All elite athletes, coaches, and team officials must register through the World Triathlon entry system via their National Federation.
Swim Course:
- Sea swim at Marina Park Beach
- Expected high tide (2m) with a non-choppy sea
- Max distance into the sea: 250m
Bike Course:
- Beautiful 2.5km course with the sea on one side
- Monuments along the route (Japanese Bunker, 1943 Flag Point Tiranga, Science Centre)
- Slight elevation and curvy roads
- U-turns at each end of the 5km course (4 loops)
Run Course:
- 1.25km run course, similar to the bike course
- Sea on one side
- 2.5 km x 2 loops
Course Map:
[Google Earth] (https://earth.google.com/earth/d/12zMz8Pf0hXnJ6VN7sGvW_6SSUfNu7XHg?usp=sharing)
(Open on a laptop or the Google Earth app on phone)
Event Details:
Race Date: February 17, 2024
Venue: Marina Park, Port Blair, Andaman Islands - [Google Maps](https://maps.app.goo.gl/fpy7Qvc8TVahGNNc9)Multisport Type: Triathlon
- Individual (Sprint Distance): 750M Swim | 20km Bike | 5Km Run
Fees for Elite Participants:
- Foreign Elite: USD 100
- Indian Elite (Top 5 in 2023 National Championship & 2023 National Games): INR 1000
- Indian Elite (Top 15 in 2023 National Championship & 2023 National Games): INR 3500
- Indian Elite (Participated in National Championship & 2023 National Games): INR 5000
Elite Category Definition: Athletes will be categorized into elite and age groups (senior/masters) based on performance and representation by the ITF. Write to indiantriathlonfederation@gmail.com for more info
Age Group Event Registration & Information: [Team Parikrama - Great Andaman Triathlon](https://www.teamparikrama.com/greatandamantriathlon)
Total Prize Money (Men & Women): USD 3000 (Top 3)